Welcome To The Lady Change Community!

Got questions about all-things weight loss? Want to share a thought, or take part in a challenge? How about joining the live calls? It's all here!
Watch this video to become familiar with how things are laid out:


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Welcome to the community part of The Lady Change! This is the perfect place to be if you want to chat and make friends with other members, join and participate in any of the challenges, join live calls, and ask any questions you may have!

Quick tip - I really recommend downloading the 'Kajabi Communities' app for ease of use, especially if you're on a mobile device!

There are a few sections to this community I'd like to share with you:

Circles - these are the discussion topics you'll see on the left and side. These range from asking questions, diet & exercise, sharing your progress, and a general place to chat! If you've got any questions or thoughts to share relating to those topics, please do so in the appropriate channel.

Meetups - this is where all the live events are held. These events can include Q&A's, interviews or a quick catch up! Make sure to RSVP & bring your questions so I can answer them live.

Home - this is where I'll share any announcements, plus where the challenges are hosted! Whether it's introducing yourself, or a months transformation challenge, please participate and share your journey on here. We'd all love to cheer you on, and support you every step of the way!

Thanks again, and please enjoy your time in the community!


Petra x